Deleting a user with privileges in PostgreSQL can throw errors like this:
Query 1 ERROR: ERROR: user "<user name>" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on itDETAIL: privileges for default privileges on new relations belonging to user testprivileges for default privileges on new relations belonging to user test2privileges for default privileges on new relations belonging to user test3
There are three privilege levels:
First find out what privileges are assigned. This lists all of them.
How to read the table:
: shows the owner of the resource.objname
: specifies if it's a table or schema privilege.aclstring
: specifies the access control. Example: reporting_etl=arwdRxt/looker
. This means user looker
is owner and reporting_etl has privilege on.SELECT pg_get_userbyid(b.relowner)::text AS objowner, trim(c.nspname)::text AS schemaname, b.relname::text AS objname, CASE WHEN relkind='r' THEN 'table' ELSE 'view' END::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.relacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, null::text as colname FROM (SELECT oid,generate_series(1,array_upper(relacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_class) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class B ON b.oid = ns.oid AND NS.n <= array_upper(b.relacl,1) INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace c on b.relnamespace = c.oid where relkind in ('r','v') UNION ALL SELECT pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner)::text AS objowner, trim(d.nspname)::text AS schemaname, c.relname::text AS objname, 'column'::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.attacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, b.attname::text as colname FROM (SELECT attrelid,generate_series(1,array_upper(attacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute_info) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute_info B ON b.attrelid = ns.attrelid AND NS.n <= array_upper(b.attacl,1) INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c on b.attrelid = c.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace d on c.relnamespace = d.oid where relkind in ('r','v') UNION ALL SELECT pg_get_userbyid(b.nspowner)::text AS objowner, null::text AS schemaname, b.nspname::text AS objname, 'schema'::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.nspacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, null::text as colname FROM (SELECT oid,generate_series(1,array_upper(nspacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace B ON b.oid = ns.oid AND NS.n <= array_upper(b.nspacl,1) UNION ALL SELECT pg_get_userbyid(b.datdba)::text AS objowner, null::text AS schemaname, b.datname::text AS objname, 'database'::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.datacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, null::text as colname FROM (SELECT oid,generate_series(1,array_upper(datacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_database) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database B ON b.oid = ns.oid AND NS.n <= array_upper(b.datacl,1) UNION ALL SELECT pg_get_userbyid(b.proowner)::text AS objowner, trim(c.nspname)::text AS schemaname, textin(regprocedureout(b.oid::regprocedure))::text AS objname, decode(prorettype,0,'procedure','function')::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.proacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, null::text as colname FROM (SELECT oid,generate_series(1,array_upper(proacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc B ON b.oid = ns.oid and NS.n <= array_upper(b.proacl,1) INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace c on b.pronamespace=c.oid UNION ALL SELECT null::text AS objowner, null::text AS schemaname, lanname::text AS objname, 'language'::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.lanacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, null::text as colname FROM (SELECT oid,generate_series(1,array_upper(lanacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_language) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_language B ON b.oid = ns.oid and NS.n <= array_upper(b.lanacl,1) UNION ALL SELECT pg_get_userbyid(b.defacluser)::text AS objowner, trim(c.nspname)::text AS schemaname, decode(b.defaclobjtype,'r','tables','f','functions','p','procedures')::text AS objname, 'default acl'::text AS objtype, TRIM(SPLIT_PART(array_to_string(b.defaclacl,','), ',', NS.n))::text AS aclstring, NS.n as grantseq, null::text as colname FROM (SELECT oid,generate_series(1,array_upper(defaclacl,1)) AS n FROM pg_catalog.pg_default_acl) NS INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_default_acl b ON b.oid = ns.oid and NS.n <= array_upper(b.defaclacl,1) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace c on b.defaclnamespace=c.oid
alter table table_name owner to <new user name>;alter schema schema_name owner to <new user name>;
revoke all on table table_name from <new user name>;
revoke all on schema schema_name from <new user name>;
DROP USER <user name>;