I'm a software developer. Working on web applications is my passion. But I like to learn things and a few months ago I got inspired by my…
One year ago I started learning Elixir because I saw great potential . This is my retrospective, looking back on my journey so far with…
Learning Elixir during my last side-project was a lot of fun. The combination of solving a problem and learning something new works well…
A first proof of concept for my side-project to manage and order recipes and ingredients via a supermarket API was successful. I continued…
I believe that to really learn a programming language, I have to get involved in a project. Getting an overview of the Elixir language was…
I love learning new things. I get a lot of energy from it. Too bad that I also forget stuff. Why is it that I remember some things well and…
Update: There is a nice discussion on Hacker News about this blog post. As a developer I think it is important to stay up to date with new…
Technical talks can quickly become dry and boring. Live demos are a great way to practically illustrate the points you like to bring across…
While working for different companies and clients I started noticing that there is a big difference in effectiveness when relationships are…
Factory Functions Pattern are a great way to structure applications in NodeJS. This In-Depth article describes how they are used. In short…
When observing people testing out an React Native iOS app on a phone which uses the Navigator library I noticed that swiping back from a…
If you're interested in how long your commands run you might want to display the duration of the last command in the right prompt. I've made…
When installing a new version of PhpStorm I had the issue that only the settings were imported from the old version but not the plugins – so…
How to make it work in node Install traceur and save it to your package.json . Add the following code to your node entry point, in my case…
When optimizing your testsuite it can be handy do find out how long each test takes to run. It would be nice to have a list of and how many…
A quick tip, if you like to enable remote debugging for your console PHP scripts without much fuzz. Add this line to your aliases file or in…
Install PHP-VCR PHPUnit-Testlistener in order to integrate PHP-VCR with PHPUnit. You can use the @vcr [cassette filename] annotation…
Just a quick timesaver: Jump from stack traces in iTerm 2 straight to the right location in Sublime Text 3. CMD + Click on a exeption…
If you want to test PHP code which calls REST-, SOAP- or other APIs you normally mock all API calls. Maintaining those mocks manually can be…
Inspired by watching Amir Khella video "Keynote Prototyping Essentials" I played around with Keynote to see if it's really that simple. I…
Sauce Labs is providing a cloud for Selenium tests. Each free account comes with 200 minutes of free testing per month. This is very useful…
Duplizierte Inhalte durch Domains die mit und ohne “www.” erreichbar sind verringern laut Google die Positionierung in Suchmaschinen…
Momentan bin ich mit Ausmisten meiner Wohnung beschäftigt und bin deshalb auf Dienste wie rebuy.de gestoßen. Das Geschäftsmodell von rebuy…
Immer wieder werden relationale Datenbanken für Datenstukturen gewählt, die stark vernetzt sind. Graphdatenbanken sind schneller und…